Monday, December 2, 2024

Dear Daily Disaster Diary, Dec. 02 2024

 Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.

- A. Sachs

The Deadly Divide

Since 1900, life expectancy in Switzerland has nearly doubled. Material wealth, a more balanced diet, advancements in hygiene and medicine, and improved education have significantly extended lifespans for both genders. 

However, the gap in life expectancy between men and women has narrowed. In the 1980s, it was as much as seven years; today, it stands at around four. 

In 2022, Swiss women lived an average of 85.4 years, while men reached 81.6. Globally, the trend mirrors this: women lived an average of 74.4 years, men 69.1, with a gender gap of 5.3 years.

Stress-Free in the Monastery

Interestingly, one group has shown remarkable longevity: monks, particularly those with lower educational attainment. 

Studies consistently show that people with less education live shorter lives compared to their more educated counterparts. 

A sociological theory attributes this to unequal access to resources such as knowledge, money, influence, prestige, and beneficial networks, which makes it harder for those of lower socioeconomic status to manage health risks and maintain their well-being.

In monasteries, however, these disparities are eradicated. Resources are distributed equally: monks eat the same meals, live in identical conditions, have equal access to medical care, and enjoy the same autonomy over their time. 

The monastery life eliminates the external socioeconomic factors that, in the outside world, create dramatic life expectancy gaps between different income and education levels.

A Global Funeral Pyre

But outside the monastery’s walls, inequality runs rampant, nowhere more so than in America—a country that self-destructively worships at the altar of corporate greed. 

Americans are grieving for their mothers, sisters, and daughters who die from a lack of basic health care. They grieve with Black friends and neighbors who endure overpolicing, environmental racism, and glaring health care disparities.

This isn’t just a slow decline; it’s a full-blown Reign of Terror. The death toll mounts in real-time. 

Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and Social Security lead to untreated illnesses, malnutrition, starvation, and the crimes of desperation. 

A potential bird flu pandemic would likely be met with ignorance by health departments led by conspiracy theorists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

Extreme weather events will claim lives as FEMA stumbles under inept leadership, NOAA is dismantled, and NASA’s budget is gutted—unless the funds are funneled to Elon Musk for vanity space projects.

A System Built to Kill

America’s government doesn’t serve its people; it serves corporations. Look no further than the FDA, which deliberately ignores epidemics of obesity, chronic diseases, and opioid addiction, refusing to issue meaningful advice to change dangerous habits. 

Your nation incarcerates more of its own citizens than any other on Earth. Your crime rates are astronomical.

Public education is an abysmal failure, trapping the disadvantaged in perpetual servitude to the elite while pushing others into crime and incarceration. 

The wealthy live in fear, barricaded in gated communities, while the rest scramble on their hamster wheels in a dystopia you dare to call “freedom.”

America has engineered a nightmare from which escape seems impossible. Yet, blinded by arrogance, you fail to see the dystopia you’ve created. 

History will judge you—not kindly—for building a machine that grinds its own people to dust, in service of profits, ego, and an illusory freedom.



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