Saturday, January 27, 2024



In our ongoing series: If the climate crisis were on the ballot this year, would you vote for... 

the Republican Party in the United States of America?



Consider this: In 2019, they revoked a rule prohibiting coal mining debris from being dumped into local streams. 

This move, along with other actions, weakened the Clean Water Act. 

They also relaxed clean air rules, allowing power and coal companies to emit more pollutants, methane, and carbon dioxide into the air. 

Attempts were made to force California and other states to lower their gas mileage and pollution standards. 

The Agriculture Department reduced inspections at pork processing slaughterhouses, and the Environmental Protection Agency permitted the dumping of toxic chemicals into previously protected wetlands...

....and than on Tuesday....

But let's not forget, No. 45 is not the problem; he's a symptom of longstanding issues in the United States. 

Deficiencies in the education system leave many unable to discern fact from fiction, making them susceptible to the influence of charlatans. 

Additionally, intense polarization in the political climate has eroded trust between Democrats and Republicans.

To be frank, the environmental policies of the Republican Party are more hostile to climate action than any other political party globally. 

If you plan to live a little longer, the choice becomes clear. It's time for a change, a shift towards a future that prioritizes environmental sustainability and addresses the urgent challenges we face.

"The Green New Deal and the environment which they say may effect us in 300 years is all that is talked about and yet... they say the ocean will rise 1/8 of an inch (0,125inch or 0,3175cm) over the next 200 to 300 years. But don`t worry about nuclear weapons that can take out entire countries with one shot...."

No. 45 running speech on Nov.16th, 2022 

Acknowledgments: NYT, CNN, WIKIPEDIA

Thursday, January 25, 2024


Now is the winter of our discontent.

- William Shakespeare

 Winter Weather Emergency Preparedness:  


As climate change intensifies, unexpected weather events can disrupt critical services, leaving families vulnerable. 

It's crucial to prepare for extreme weather conditions, even before losing drinking water or power. 

This public service tutorial provides expert tips to help you stay safe and plan ahead during weather emergencies.

Section 1: Stay Warm and Conserve Heat

  • Place rolled-up towels at the base of exterior doors and stuff rags in door cracks to prevent heat loss.
  • Close curtains and blinds to retain heat; move activities to a main room and close interior doors.
  • Wear layers of loosefitting, lightweight warm clothing and keep extra layers handy.
  • If you have a wood-burning fireplace, ensure it's clean and inspect the chimney annually before starting a fire.


Section 2: Safe Shelter Options

  • In extremely cold conditions, consider leaving home, especially if you have small children prone to heat loss.
  • Seek shelter with family or friends, stay at a hotel, or rent a home in a nearby area.
  • Check your state's/province's list of warming shelters if you need power and can travel.


Section 3: Safe Use of Generators and Appliances

  • Place generators outdoors, away from windows, keeping them dry and properly grounded.
  • Never plug generators into wall outlets or main electrical panels to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Avoid using fossil fuel-powered appliances like camping stoves indoors to prevent carbon monoxide release.


Section 4: Carbon Monoxide Safety

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home as the gas is odorless and colorless.
  • Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion.


Section 5: Contaminated Water Precautions

  • If under a boil water advisory, use bottled water or boil tap water for at least 1 minute (3 minutes at elevations above 6,500 feet/2000 meter).
  • Avoid using water or ice from appliances connected to water lines during the advisory.
  • Consider using disposable plates, cups, and utensils; follow specific guidelines for dish-washing during advisories.


Section 6: Protecting Pipes from Freezing

  • Keep garage doors closed if water supply lines are in the garage.
  • Open kitchen and bathroom cabinets to allow warmer air circulation around plumbing.
  • Let cold water drip from the faucet to prevent freezing; consider installing insulating materials on exposed water pipes.


Section 7: Food and Supplies Preparation

  • Stock up on essential items at the grocery store ahead of time if winter weather is predicted.



Conclusion: Preparing for winter weather emergencies involves proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and your family. 

By following these expert tips, you can navigate through extreme conditions with resilience and preparedness. 

Stay informed, plan ahead, and take action to protect yourself and your community during weather crises.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


The Mobility Conundrum: Winter Edition 

- Tips for Your E-Vehicle in Cold Weather



Preheating at the Wallbox

  • Purpose: Preheating the electric vehicle (EV) before departure helps conserve battery power during winter.
  • Procedure: Connect your EV to the charging station shortly before leaving to utilize grid power for heating.

Patient Fast Charging

  • Consideration: Factor in extra time for fast charging during winter.
  • Reason: Cold temperatures can reduce charging speed due to the impact on the vehicle's battery.

Smart Heating Strategies

  • Adjust In-Car Heating: Set the interior heater slightly lower to conserve battery energy.
  • Optimize Seat and Steering Heating: Use seat and steering wheel heaters, along with windshield heating elements, as they are more energy-efficient than the air heater.

Reduce Regeneration (Rekuperation) on Icy Roads

  • Recommendation: Lower the regeneration level on slippery roads.
  • Purpose: Prevent wheel slippage during strong regeneration, ensuring better traction with the road surface.

Monitor Range

  • Cold Weather Impact: Be aware that winter temperatures can reduce EV range.
  • Typical Range Decrease: Expect 10 to 30 percent less range in freezing temperatures; for short trips with frequent heating cycles, it could even be up to 50 percent.


Implementing these tips will help you maximize the efficiency and performance of your electric vehicle during the winter months.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

 The Health/Food Conundrum

The Fruit & Veggie Edition 


Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

- Brian O`Driscoll


  • Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of disease-fighting nutrients, including fiber, folate, vitamins C and E, potassium, and selenium.
  • They contain hundreds of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, which have disease-preventive properties.


Nutrient and Phytochemical Profiles:

  • While fruits and vegetables offer similar vitamins and minerals, they have different nutrient and phytochemical profiles, similar to various whole grains, legumes, and nuts.


Key Nutrients and Phytochemicals:

  1. Vitamin C:

    • Found in various fruits and vegetables.
    • Supports a healthy immune system.
    • Sources: sweet bell peppers, kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries, papaya, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and tomato juice.
  2. Folate (B Vitamin):

    • Important for DNA repair and red blood cell production.
    • Abundant in spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, artichoke hearts, green peas, avocado, and oranges.
  3. Vitamin K:

    • Critical for blood clotting and bone health.
    • Excellent sources: leafy green vegetables like collards, kale, spinach, beet greens, dandelion greens, and leaf lettuce.
  4. Potassium:

    • Regulates blood pressure.
    • Found in all fruits and vegetables; exceptional sources include apricots, avocado, bananas, cantaloupe, tomatoes, spinach, Swiss chard, and sweet potato.
  5. Beta-carotene:

    • Guards against cardiovascular disease and age-related memory loss.
    • Sources: sweet potato, winter squash, spinach, collard greens, kale, carrots, mango, and cantaloupe.
  6. Lutein and Zeaxanthin:

    • Prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and preserve cognitive function.
    • Best sources: leafy green vegetables, green peas, winter squash, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and yellow corn.
  7. Glucosinolates:

    • Break down into isothiocyanates with anti-cancer properties.
    • Found in broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, turnip, watercress, and mustard greens.
  8. Polyphenols:

    • Linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.
    • Abundant in blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, prunes, plums, pomegranate seeds, red grapes, and eggplant (especially the skin).



  • Fruits are higher in natural sugars and calories than non-starchy vegetables.
  • Opt for whole fruits over fruit juice for satiating fiber.
  • Dried fruit has more sugar and calories than fresh fruit.
  • Aim for a diverse mix of fruits and vegetables to obtain a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals.


Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet ensures a comprehensive intake of essential nutrients, promoting overall health and disease prevention.


Dear Daily Disaster Diary, Mar.08 2025

  The diseases of the present have little in common with the diseases of the past save that we die of them. - Agnes Repplier The Police - Me...